Baxter’s hips were in such bad shape at 9 years old that three different vets told me that if he didn’t have hip replacement or stem cell surgery he would not be walking within six months. Hip replacement surgery wasn’t an option because his front elbow was also deteriorated so he could withstand the weight of having his hips done. I was determined to find a solution to keep him walking (we spent at least 2 hours a day walking and playing together) and that is when we found a vet who recommended laser therapy. I was willing to try anything (non-invasive)…..after 14 days and six laser treatment I HAD A NEW DOG!!! He was running and jumping like a puppy again! Seriously, it was nothing short of miraculous!! In addition, he LOVED his laser treatments. We jokingly called them his “massage sessions.” We continued to get laser therapy for the remaining two and a half years of his (pain free) life.
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