Nothing is more heartbreaking than a pup or kitty with those sad eyes looking up at you because they are in pain or are uncomfortable.  Age, injury, a chronic or acute condition….there are a plethora of reasons that an animal can be sore. Compounded on top of that can be depression because he is no longer able to go on walks, play with you or his fellow animal friends or even jump up on the couch (if they are allowed!).

So what are your options?

When considering an elderly dog or cat, complications with anti-inflammatory, steroidal or pain medications are definitely a factor.  There are many highly effective pharmaceuticals on the market today, and many time prescription medications are necessary. But if your veterinarian is not mandating a medication, and you are wary of side-effects with a voluntary prescription to help with the pain and inflammation, there are other options.

Chiropractic care, rehabilitation therapy, laser therapy and acupuncture are among a few of the most common alternatives to help your pet suffering from conditions such as arthritis, soft tissue injury, hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, bone fractures and neurological injuries. Check with your veterinarian for a referral if your general practice does not offer these options.

Another FDA approved, non-pharmaceutical and highly effective treatment is pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF).  Respond Systems’ Bio-Pulse PEMF systems have been in use for over 30 years on horses, dogs, cats and even elephants and giraffes! PEMF uses pulsing magnetic fields, developed by pulsing a small amount of battery current through coils of wire, to initiate normal biological cellular reactions that result in improved circulation and provide pain relief.

PEMF has the unique ability to pass through fur, skin, bandages and bone. The depth of field of Respond Systems Bio-Pulse PEMF Small Animal Bed can penetrate through the entire body of a dog lying on the bed reaching deep into the joints and muscles stimulating circulation.

The 30 to 60-minute treatment cannot be felt but the effect is noticeable and many times your pet will relax on the bed or even fall asleep. Typically, you will see results within two weeks and many times you will notice an immediate difference in the way your pet rises, walks and runs.

Quality of life is top of mind for any pet owner caring for an elderly or injured animal. Managing the pain and inflammation due to some of the conditions mentioned above is crucial to your pets comfort level and can indeed be managed or even remedied! So put a smile back on your pets face with a PEMF therapy treatment.

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Respond Systems is a second-generation, family owned business that has been manufacturing both laser and PEMF therapy systems for the veterinary market over 30 years. Proudly made in the USA, Respond Systems is dedicated to a mission of providing quality equipment, service and innovation to better the lives of all who use the therapy systems.