The Most Versatile Tool in the Veterinarian’s Toolbox…Laser Therapy

June 1, 2016

As much as we all might wish for it, there is no panacea in veterinary medicine, no cure-all for the myriad of conditions veterinarians and therapists are treating daily. There is one device however that is more versatile than almost any of the other tools in the veterinary toolbox: a laser therapy system.

Laser therapy was primarily used for treating equine conditions when it first hit the market back in the 1980s, and was mostly used by therapists. Even though studies have been conducted on the mechanisms and efficacy of laser therapy dating back prior to the 1970s, it has been a very slow process of adoption for a multitude of reasons. A few of the most important reasons are, 1) the inability to feel or see the treatment working, 2) optimal results occur over a series of treatments ; not from a single dose, and 3) the introduction of laser therapy occurred when pharmaceuticals were also experiencing a growth surge due in part to the emergence of the biotech industry and the entry of generic drugs to the market.

Laser therapy persisted throughout this time period; therapists continued using their lasers to decrease pain and inflammation, and to accelerate the healing of soft tissue. By the mid-1990’s, laser therapy starting gaining the attention of veterinarians as advances in veterinary health care and nutrition were extending the lives of companion animals , just as it was doing for their owners. Pets living longer were experiencing similar aches and pains from aging that people do; arthritis, degenerative conditions, injuries due to weakened muscles.  Veterinarians looked for means to increase quality of life for these animals as they moved into their golden years, and laser therapy provided a welcome solution.

“My practice population has changed during the last 10 years, with more clients seeking options to manage a variety of concurrent conditions that range from orthopedic disease to internal organ disease in their companions,” states Dr. Cheryl Cross who owns a veterinarian practice in Knoxville, TN. “More often than not, I see patients with conditions for which there is no easy fast cure or quick fix – they need a variety of tools to allow increased comfort and life quality.”

During the early 2000’s, laser therapy systems burst onto the scene in small animal veterinary practices. What started with rehabilitation specialists adding laser therapy to their services, evolved into vet laser therapy being used in all aspects of veterinary practice. Laser light at specific wavelengths is well documented for reducing pain and inflammation and for accelerating the healing process.  Treating soft tissue injuries like tendon and ligament tears, arthritis, degenerative joint disease and hip dysplasia are also common uses for the busy laser. Now, many additional case studies and research projects are released detailing the effectiveness of laser therapy for common but difficult to treat problems such as wounds, lick granulomas and ulcers. Skin conditions like dermatitis and allergies represent another growing area showing positive benefits of laser, keeping interest in laser therapy high among the veterinary community.

“I can easily add in some red laser inside the ear canal if there is a new mild otitis, or in my older patients we can laser the tops of the paws if they have been knuckling or dragging a little,” says Dr. Cross, who treats a wide variety off four-legged clients from young athletes and working dogs to geriatric cats and dogs. “For the most chronic conditions for which management is best served via multimodal routes – laser therapy provides the piece that is actually quick to apply, easy to administer, easy on the patient, and very comfortable for the client as well.”

Now laser therapy is a go-to for post-surgical treatments, and follow up for long lasting relief. The faster an animal can return to normal function post-surgery, the likelihood of success of the surgery increases, and post-surgical complications decrease.  In many cases, animals that might not be candidates for surgery or for the use of anti-inflammatory or steroidal pharmaceuticals can be treated successfully with laser therapy.

“With one piece of equipment I can treat from nose to tail and the more I understand parameters and am inspired by Margaret Naeser and other pioneers of laser therapy – the more I am trying new applications and being very pleased that, if nothing else, I can offer an option,” Dr. Cross adds.  “Often clients have no other options to try. In my experience, however, it’s more than just offering – my patients are improving.”

Promising research continues to be conducted as it relates to laser therapy and its multitude of potential uses in the future, including the treatment of chronic renal disease, combating bacterial and fungal infections, boosting cellular protection from poisons such as snake venom and more.  The future is bright for laser therapy!  Although it is not a panacea that will cure all ills, it gets pretty close!  By treating an incredible array of conditions, laser therapy will continue to grow in application and deliver positive benefits for the clients of vets and therapists in clinics all over the world.

Prevention is the Best Medicine

May 9, 2016

Image courtesy of Therapy4Horses.

Ben Franklin’s words of wisdom that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is just as true today as it was 300 years ago when he said it.  Although Franklin was most likely referring to the human species when he voiced those wise words, the same can easily be applied to the equine species as well.

Humans and horses have forged a powerful bond dating back thousands of years. From use in the Greek military over 2,000 years ago to the ranches of the burgeoning American Wild West, horses have fulfilled a crucial role in the history of man. Their bodies have evolved to master speed, endurance and strength and today, many of those qualities are exhibited in sport.

Their bodies may be built to run, jump, and support a rider, but training can put incredible stress on the body of a horse.  Common conditions such as suspensory and other ligament and soft tissue injuries are occurring at incredible rates. Kissing spine, SI pain, tying up, navicular and other conditions are common among horses across all sport disciplines.

While all injuries are not preventable, many can be with carefully executed training and conditioning programs. A key team comprised of a trainer, veterinarian, therapist and chiropractor is the first component in prevention. The expertise of this team in conjunction with a rider and owner who are in tune to the body and needs of the horse can make for a very successful injury prevention strategy.

Right on level with the importance of nutrition are laser and pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy systems. Both systems use FDA approved, non-pharmaceutical mechanisms to reduce inflammation and pain and accelerate healing by using a specific wavelength of light or pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate the body’s own healing and immune process.

PEMF blankets and wraps are a crucial component of the conditioning regime of top equine athletes around the world. Used prior to competition to warm-up the joints and muscles to prevent injury, or after competition to remove lactic acid, reduce soft tissue inflammation and ease the tension in muscles and joints, these systems are a must-have for overall conditioning and treating injuries.

Laser therapy uses scientifically proven wavelengths of light to jumpstart the body’s cells to churn out ATP, the energy molecule crucial for all cellular function, to help reduce pain, decrease inflammation and accelerate healing. From healing wounds to soft-tissue injuries, laser therapy can target specific areas of the horse’s body to treat a specific injury or strengthen a weak area prior to competition to help prevent further injury.

Peak condition is required for elite performance and that is where RSI Equine, a division of Respond Systems Inc., plays an integral role. Backed by 30 years of experience manufacturing laser and pulsed magnetic field therapy in the USA, RSI Equine’s products have become a critical component for conditioning and have become a therapy of choice for healing injuries.

Visit for more information on how to not only prevent injury, but to also treat conditions and injuries quickly, safely and effectively to get your horse back into peak condition.

PEMF Therapy Can Put a Smile Back on your Pet’s Face

March 2, 2016

Nothing is more heartbreaking than a pup or kitty with those sad eyes looking up at you because they are in pain or are uncomfortable.  Age, injury, a chronic or acute condition….there are a plethora of reasons that an animal can be sore. Compounded on top of that can be depression because he is no longer able to go on walks, play with you or his fellow animal friends or even jump up on the couch (if they are allowed!).

So what are your options?

When considering an elderly dog or cat, complications with anti-inflammatory, steroidal or pain medications are definitely a factor.  There are many highly effective pharmaceuticals on the market today, and many time prescription medications are necessary. But if your veterinarian is not mandating a medication, and you are wary of side-effects with a voluntary prescription to help with the pain and inflammation, there are other options.

Chiropractic care, rehabilitation therapy, laser therapy and acupuncture are among a few of the most common alternatives to help your pet suffering from conditions such as arthritis, soft tissue injury, hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, bone fractures and neurological injuries. Check with your veterinarian for a referral if your general practice does not offer these options.

Another FDA approved, non-pharmaceutical and highly effective treatment is pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF).  Respond Systems’ Bio-Pulse PEMF systems have been in use for over 30 years on horses, dogs, cats and even elephants and giraffes! PEMF uses pulsing magnetic fields, developed by pulsing a small amount of battery current through coils of wire, to initiate normal biological cellular reactions that result in improved circulation and provide pain relief.

PEMF has the unique ability to pass through fur, skin, bandages and bone. The depth of field of Respond Systems Bio-Pulse PEMF Small Animal Bed can penetrate through the entire body of a dog lying on the bed reaching deep into the joints and muscles stimulating circulation.

The 30 to 60-minute treatment cannot be felt but the effect is noticeable and many times your pet will relax on the bed or even fall asleep. Typically, you will see results within two weeks and many times you will notice an immediate difference in the way your pet rises, walks and runs.

Quality of life is top of mind for any pet owner caring for an elderly or injured animal. Managing the pain and inflammation due to some of the conditions mentioned above is crucial to your pets comfort level and can indeed be managed or even remedied! So put a smile back on your pets face with a PEMF therapy treatment.

For more information visit

Respond Systems is a second-generation, family owned business that has been manufacturing both laser and PEMF therapy systems for the veterinary market over 30 years. Proudly made in the USA, Respond Systems is dedicated to a mission of providing quality equipment, service and innovation to better the lives of all who use the therapy systems.  


Made in the USA for over 30 years!

December 7, 2015

What sets Respond Systems apart from other laser companies? The most frequent responses we hear are excellent products, proven history, and exemplary customer service. But did you also know that Respond Systems has been manufacturing Laser and PEMF veterinary systems on the shoreline of Connecticut for almost 30 years? The company was founded by Doreen and Don Hudson in 1983, when they were the only laser company based in the United States.

From the very start, the overall development of Respond Systems’ products were based on extensive scientific research, data and proof.  And since the products were originally going to be used in horse barns, they were designed to be workhorses – able to stand up to arduous conditions and work all day every day. We are very proud to say that some of the original systems, made in 1983, are still being used today – pretty amazing considering the delicate components that go into each system!

Since their premier, Respond Systems has made many updates and upgrades to the initial product line, which is continuously being improved upon. We now offer 3 models of lasers, including the 2400 XL, the Luminex Vet and our newest Class 4, the Luminex Ultra.  We also carry an extensive line of PEMF equipment, for horsesdogscats, bulls…

When you purchase products from Respond Systems, you can be assured that the entire process happens in one place – testing, designing, manufacturing, order fulfillment, shipping, customer service and repairs are all performed at our large facility in Branford, CT.   The core products and values of the company have never changed since their inception in 1983 and the company is second generation family owned and operated.

Respond Systems Continues a Family Legacy

December 7, 2015

Respond Systems, Inc has welcomed Lisa Miksis to the business on April 6, 2015 as the Vice President and Director of Marketing. After spending the last 7 years as Publisher of a community media group in CT, Lisa is bringing her communications, operations and marketing expertise to Respond.

Respond Systems manufactures and sells magnetic therapy equipment and Class 3 and 4 lasers to the equestrian and small animal veterinary markets both nationally and internationally. The company is based in Branford, CT and has been manufacturing in the USA for over 30 years.

“My goal is to package the incredible quality, impeccable customer service and innovative technology of Respond’s products into a message that resonates with the customers we can serve best” says Miksis.

As the wife of owner Brian Richardson, Lisa has been admiring Respond Systems from the sidelines for the last 19 years as Brian and founders, Doreen and Don Hudson, in addition to their staff of seasoned employees, have contributed to the health and wellbeing of thousands of animals across the country.

“My degree is in Biology, and I studied pre-med as an undergrad. To be able to marry my passion for animals and science to my business experience in sales, operations and marketing is like a dream come true for me,” Lisa comments. “It is an honor to be able to carry on the mission that Doreen and Don created over 30 years ago.”

Respond System’s has been innovating in the PEMF and laser therapy markets with products such as the Bio-Pulse Sentry PEMF Horse Blanket, targeted to treating equine muscle fatigue, stiffness, fractures, inflammation and injuries, and the Luminex Vet Laser that specializes in wound healing, pain management and repairing muscle and tendon tears.

Brian Richardson has been a part of Respond Systems since he started working in the office during summers while in high school. Now owner of the business, Richardson had this to say about the addition to the team.

“From a very young age I watched my Mom and my Stepfather run Respond together; the business was just a natural part of our lives. I saw them enjoy their work and each other’s company as they built up the company from our basement to our position as a leader in our industry 30 years later. I am incredibly lucky to be able to do that too, by welcoming my lovely wife Lisa “home” to the family business and continuing the legacy they left for us. With her deep experience in marketing and operations, Lisa is the perfect fit for the needs of a small business like ours competing in this global, technology driven marketplace. As Publisher, Lisa helped so many small local businesses navigate those tricky waters, and I will look to her to help Respond do the same. It’s an exciting time for all of us, but most of all for me, as I look forward to sharing my life’s work with my life partner!”

Lisa and Brian reside in Madison, CT with their two rescue cats and Norman, their tri-pod rescue dog from Atlanta. All of the four, and three-legged friends, are of course the lucky beneficiaries of the therapy equipment manufactured at Respond Systems.

“I am looking forward to contributing to the continuous innovation that is happening here at Respond,” Miksis concludes, “and to bringing all of our products to the forefront of technology in the veterinary industry while also getting to work side by side with my husband….and my dog! We are incredibly excited for the next 30 years of Respond!”

Eventer Hollie Swain Becomes Part of the Respond Systems Team

December 4, 2015

New Zealand-born but now United Kingdom-based eventer Hollie Swain has joined up with international marketing company Pulse Solutions to promote the Respond Systems range of magnetic therapy products. She will assume the role of brand ambassador and sponsored rider under the RSI mantle.

The appointment coincides with Hollie’s move to her new training facilities in Dunsfold in England’s Surrey County. This comes after six years of being an integral part of Olympic team bronze medallist and Badminton Horse Trials winner Jock Paget’s eventing operation.

“Having my own facility is another step toward my ambition of representing New Zealand in international competition. It’s important that I have a professional environment to work in which is also part of show casing my sponsor’s products and services,” says Hollie.

“It is a great honour to have been selected to now be part of the Respond/Pulse Solutions family. I’ll be doing my utmost to demonstrate to riders of all abilities how the Respond PEMF blanket should be an essential part of training and competition to ensure your horse is in optimum condition.”

The appointment of Hollie Swain is another milestone in the relationship between the two companies in bringing the best of equine health management technology to the wider world.

Based in Branford, Connecticut in the United States, Respond Systems is a pioneer in the manufacturing of magnetic therapy (PEMF) systems including wraps and boots for pain relief and treatment of conditions such as arthritis and tendinitis. The company has been operating for over 30 years and has just recently launched its equine division, RSI Equine.

Pulse Solutions serves as an independent sales and marketing arm for the Respond Systems range of products. Pulse Solutions managing director Kathryn Picton-Warlow says her company has had great success in marketing the Respond system in New Zealand and Australia.

“We’re in the process of looking to introduce their product in other global markets. We’ve had a number of strategic connections and affiliations that should assist us with our plans.

“Getting Hollie on board will certainly help in this process. She is young, talented and ambitious. She handles herself in a very professional way and her approach and style is a perfect ‘fit’ with both the Pulse and Respond brands.”

“It’s very exciting for us to work with her and also be part of her plans to achieve higher eventing honours.”

RSI vice president and director of marketing Lisa Miksis says this new chapter continues the strong affiliation the company has with Pulse in marketing the Respond products in strategic locations around the world.

“Our Bio-Pulse systems are the best equine PEMF systems in the world. They’ve been chosen by the most discriminating owners and trainers of jumpers, dressage, driving and three day event horses. The United States Equestrian Team takes the Sentry system with them to world class venues where they help to keep the horses conditioned for peak performance.

“We love working with Pulse Solutions and the sharing of expertise and marketing connections. They bring a real international orientation and perspective to the mix which is exciting for all concerned. For us, a brand ambassador foraging new markets for our equine PEMF systems plays an important role in our growth and evolution and we’re so excited to have Hollie working with us.”

Says Kathryn Picton-Warlow: “Clearly there is a new force in the equestrian world that has the power of three entities working as one to share the benefits of the Respond PEMF system wherever in the world horses happen to be competing.”

Winners of Respond Systems Amateur Rider Award Announced

December 1, 2015

(Branford, CT) – Many manufacturers of equine health and wellness products are approached on a regular basis with sponsorship requests from riders, trainers and physiotherapists looking to acquire the best possible products for their horse’s wellbeing. “We are regularly contacted by trainers and physiotherapists and as of late, we have been receiving a lot of inquiries from amateur athletes in both the rodeo and equestrian event disciplines,” says Brian Richardson, owner of Respond Systems and their equine division, RSI Equine.

“We manufacture and sell laser and pulsed magnetic therapy equipment for the veterinary market, and due to the non-invasive healing capabilities of our therapies, our products are in demand with amateur and professional riders a like!”


Respond Systems and RSI Equine launched their first annual Amateur Rider Award earlier this year with the goal to support riders who compete with passion and dedication while also holding down full -time careers or are pursing a full-time degree. Twice in 2015, Spring and later Summer RSI Equine will award two amateur riders, one in the Western and one in the Equestrian disciplines, with a Sentry Pulsed Magnetic Therapy Blanket valued at over $5,000.

“This award was created to help support riders who strive to excel in their sport while also putting the health of their horse at the forefront,” comments Richardson. “We hear the genuine love and concern in their voices for their horses when they call us for sponsorship. Yes, they want to get a leg up on the competition of course, it is a competition after all,” he continues, “but the horse comes first, and we see time and time again how respectful the riders are of their equine partners. It is a beautiful thing.”

And it is precisely for those reasons that RSI Equine is thrilled to announce the winners of the Spring Respond Systems Amateur Award, Cynthia Bayles of Camas, Washington (Eventing, Show Jumping and Dressage) and April Masterson, of Lincoln, Vermont (Barrel Racing).

Cynthia Bayles balances a full time career at a financial institution, a family and competitive riding. “I really am thrilled and honored to be one of the two lucky winners of Respond Systems’ first Amateur Rider Award Contest,” comments Bales, “I’ve seen the positive results from using the Respond Cold Laser I purchased a couple of years ago and can hardly wait to start using the Sentry Magnetic Therapy Blanket! The timing is perfect too as our competitive season is just getting started. I’m looking forward to “experimenting” with it – pre and post competition, training etc. to see how it affects the horses and gets the best results,” she concludes.

April Masterson carries a B.S in Exercise Science and Sports Administration, an M.S in Administration and works at United Technologies Aerospace Systems.  She has also been Barrel Racing for 20 years. “The knowledge I gained in my studies earning my B.S I take pride in applying in my daily care of and working with my horses, and I find it very stimulating to keep up with the evolving equine therapies, and scientific research behind them,” Masterson says. “Rodeos are different from shows because it is not uncommon to be in three different states in three days for rodeos. Very rarely do our horses have stalls; they spend their time tied to a trailer or in temporary pens we bring with us,” she continues. “The Sentry Blanket would be a crucial part of my pre-race regimen and is an efficient way to reduce pain, swelling, stress and therefor healing time by stimulating cell repair. I am really excited for this opportunity and thank Respond for this once in a lifetime opportunity. With hundredths of a second determining the winners, everything you can do to make your horse feel better will help you win,” she concludes enthusiastically.

Both winners will be receiving their Sentry Magnetic Blankets early May just in time for the height of the summer season.

“We very much look forward to following our winners throughout the season and cheering them on,” Richardson says with a smile, “and knowing that our products are out there helping to enhance the lives of both the riders and horses is exactly what Respond is all about.”