Jazzy- Meriden Humane Society

Before and After 5.13.17

Before and After 5.23.17

June 9, 2017










At 9-years of age, Jazzy had been bred repeatedly, spent most of her life in a basement and probably had never seen a veterinarian. She was rescued by the Meriden Humane Society in Connecticut in May 2017.

When rescued, Jazzy had a gaping wound on the side of her head. Chronic ear infections and allergies had resulted in an abscess that ruptured leaving a large, open wound as depicted in the images dated 5/6/2017.  Jazzy was given antibiotics from the veterinarian to help fight the infection.

On 5/10/2017, Jazzy commenced laser therapy treatments using the following protocol:

– Use one layer of Saran wrap over the open wound when treating to prevent the spread of any bacteria
– 2 joules per spot for the open wound
– 4 beeps per spot for the ears and the tissue surrounding the open wound

Repeat daily. 

Within 1-week, the wound had decreased in inflammation and size (photo dated 5/13/17)

Within 2-weeks, the wound was almost closed (photo dated 5/23/17)

By 5 weeks, the wound was fully closed and fur was growing back (photo dated 6/9/2017)

By July 11, 2017, Jazzy had found her new forever home!

Jazzy at her new forever home!










