RSI Bibliography


The effects of PEMF in treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs

Biological Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Modification of Osteoarthritis by PEMF- A Morphological Study

PEMF and Pain Management

PEMF and Positive Anti-Inflammatory Effect for IVD

Effect of PEMF on Knee Cartilage, Subchondral and Epyphiseal Trabecular Bone of age Guinea Pigs (2007)

Chondroprotective Effects of PEMF on Human Cartilage Explants (2011)

Systematic Review: Effects of PEMF on Knee Osteoarthritis (2012)

PEMF in Knee OA: Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial (2015)

PEMF Effect on Rotator Cuff Tendon-to-Bone Healing (2018)

Systematic Review: PEMF Effectiveness in Low Back Pain (2016)

PEMF and Cardiac Function (2014)

A Review of PEMF Mechanisms at a Cellular Level (2013)


Preoperative LLLT in Dogs Undergoing TPLO (2017): Blinded, Randomized Clinical Trial

Effectiveness of Immediate vs. Delayed Photobiomodulation in Reducing Postoperative Inflammatory Complications

Laser Therapy Reduces Time to Ambulation after Intervertebral Disk Surgery

Study: Laser treatment helps dogs with spinal cord injury

Analysis of Efficacy of Laser Therapy on Pain Relief

Depth of Penetration Study at 808nm and 980nm

The Nuts and Bolts of LLLT

Photobiomodulation and the Acceleration of Wound Healing by Stimulating Production of Selected Mediators

Photobiomodulation Protects and Promotes Differentiation of C2C12 Myoblast Cells Exposed to Snake Venom

Super-Pulse Deeper Penetration than Continuous Wave

LLLT and Muscle Performance

Photobiomodulation – Implications for Anesthesia and Pain Relief 2016

Photobiomodulation and Cancer: What is the Truth? (2018)

Effects of Photobiomodulation on Skeletal Muscle Strain Lesion in Rats (2018)

Effects of low level laser therapy in cancer cells- a systematic review of literature (2019.) da Silva, J.L., Silva-de-Oliveira, A.F.S., Andraus, R.A.C. et al. Lasers Med Sci (2019).

Equine Rehabilitation:

Equine Rehab Basics – Making Rehabilitation “REAL” for your Practice (2018)